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Reservations & Sales

If you are interested in reserving a goat kid or would like more information , please take a moment to fill out our Goating To Know You Questionnaire.

Is there anything better than baby goats??

We reserve the right to keep at least one doeling per pairing.

This will be determined in the first few weeks.

Please inquire to see who may be available.

All kids will be available after 8 weeks old.

They will have their first vaccine and are disbudded by a Veterinarian.

To reserve a kid from a pairing below is $50 via venmo (@thelillows) please put in the notes which pairing you are interested in. There is no cost to be added to the waitlist.

People fall off the reservation list all the time.

2025 Breeding Plan

February 2025

Doelings $650


Doeling Waitlist

Chance of blue eyes

February 2025

Doelings $550


Doeling Waitlist

Chance of moonspots.

February 2025

 Doelings $650


Doeling Waitlist

Chance of moonspots.

AI Breeding-Summer 2025

Doelings $650

AI Breeding-Summer 2025

Doelings $650

All bucklings will be wethered unless a herd sire is requested. Wethers are $200

All kids must go to a home that already has goats or purchased as a pair.

Multiple kid or farmstead starter discounts are available by request.

Performance homes will be given special consideration and offered a $100 refund after each doe is enrolled in DHIR and had at least 3 milk tests.

We are excited to have three does from Tiny Hill Farm, located in Milton Hills NH!

Not only are Twilight, Dusty and Atty full of personality but they are sure to be milking powerhouses.

"Tiny Hill Farm breeds ultra- productive Nigerian dwarf dairy goats with a focus on humanely breeding healthy goats with a long, productive lifespan. Tiny Hill has some extremely competitive milking genetics, including two Top Ten does in 2020, 15 Elite goats in 2023, and four ADGA Young Sire Development Program Qualifiers in 2020."

Visit Tiny Hill Farm's site.

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